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How can we make something fly well?



Experiment 1- Paper Aeroplanes!

You will need: 

  • Paper
  • This website for paper plane ideas (


  1. Fold three different paper aeroplanes 
  2. Fly them in an outdoor space to see which is the best

Next steps: 

Which paper aeroplane flew the best? Why? Why was this the best one? Did it fly the furthest, fastest or straightest? Can you design your own plane based on y our findings?


Experiment 2- Balloon Racing!

You will need:

  • String or thread
  • Balloons
  • Tape
  • Straw


  1. Set up a tight string with a piece of straw attached to it
  2. Fill the balloon with air and tape it to the straw
  3. Race them with someone in your family or two different designs 

Next steps:

How can you make your balloon go faster? Does changing the balloon, string, tightness of the string, length of the straw or the length of the string help? Can you do this with any different materials? Can you beat your family members?